YCST is seeking to update its Lifetime Membership database and encourage new members, ahead of a new system being deployed later this year and is offering fans a great incentive to do so.
Unfortunately we do not have current email contact details for all YCST life members, but are aware that many subscribers to ‘Arthur’ will have joined back in 2002, or in the intervening years.
So please could you help us improve our data accuracy? If you have not received any email correspondence from YCST in the last 12 months, can you please assume that we are missing your e-mail address?
Please follow the link and complete as much of the form as you possibly can. Update Your Contact Details | York City Supporters Trust
Equally, if you know of other friends, family, or fellow supporters who may fall into this category, then please do encourage them to supply the Trust with their details.
If, for whatever reason using the link to the website is not possible, please email me instead at james.richardson@ycst.org.uk
If you’re not already a YCST member, then of course by joining now Membership | York City Supporters Trust (as well as all the usual reasons for being involved) you will also be eligible for the draw.
As an incentive, all members for whom we have correct contact information submitted by January 28th will be entered into a draw for 2 places in hospitality with a 2-course meal for the home game versus Woking on February 8th.
We look forward to hearing from you
About York City Supporters’ Trust
Established in 2002, York City Supporters Trust is a not-for-profit Community Benefit Society, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We were formed to protect the long-term future of the football club and represent the interests of the fans. We are also 25% shareholders in York City Football Club Ltd.