On the 24th August 2021, the Supporters’ Trust received a formal request signed by a number of members to convene a Special General Meeting to debate and vote upon the following motion:
“We move that the Supporter’s Trust board makes a public declaration of no confidence in the boards of York City Football Club Ltd and its subsidiary companies.”
As such, the Trust board has made the necessary arrangements for a Special General Meeting to be held in accordance with the Society Rules. The meeting will be held at 7pm on Thursday 16th September 2021 at the Burton Stone Working Mens Club, 74 Bootham Crescent, York. YO30 7AH.
Register to speak
The meeting agenda is strictly limited to the motion above. If you would like to speak for or against the motion, please register in advance by emailing info@ycst.org.uk. Registered speakers will be strictly limited to 5 minutes each. Any additional speakers will be at the discretion of the chair of the meeting. The registered speakers will be followed by a general debate of up to 15 minutes.
How to Vote
Voting is strictly limited to one vote per registered member of the Supporters’ Trust. For the purposes of the Special General Meeting, a registered member is anyone who is a fully paid up member by 10am on Tuesday 14th September 2021. In the event that more than one vote is received from an individual member, only the first vote received will be counted.
In person
You can vote in person at the meeting. Members do not require a membership card or member number to attend. To join the meeting please simply give your name and postcode to the Trust secretary at the door. Provided you have not yet voted by another method below, you will be provided with a ballot paper.
By post / Online
Postal and online voting is now closed. You can still attend the meeting in person on Thursday 16th September 2021 to cast your vote.