Few could deny that both on and off the pitch York City Football Club are a club ‘on the up’. And isn’t it great? So surely, it is time to demonstrate to Julie-Anne, Matt, and their investment partners that we, as a fan base, mean business in the same way that they clearly mean business!

At the recent York City Supporters Trust (YCST) AGM, three new members were elected to the Board of Directors, each with a commercial background, and each elected on a commitment to drive Trust membership numbers, revenue, and supporter engagement. They join nine existing Board members.

The make-up of the new Board can be found via the Trust website here.

Over the last 12 months the Trust Board have been actively working to enhance the bridge between supporters and club. It has also been engaged in supporting multiple initiatives on behalf of the supporters. These include:

  • Engaging with the National League authorities around the impact on match going fans of date and KO time changes for TV coverage purposes;
  • Working with Cleveland Police, North Yorkshire Police, Hartlepool United FC, and York City FC to identify and address issues which affected some YCFC fans following the match at Hartlepool last February;
  • Creation of a Local Business Directory to help small local businesses promote their product and/or service offerings to the entire YCFC supporter base;
  • Engaging with Local Authorities, National Bodies and Persimmon Homes PLC to ensure a lasting legacy of Bootham Crescent at the site of our former home;
  • Ongoing work with the Football Supporters Association ensuring that the voices of York City fans are heard loud and clear;
  • Commencement of a Monthly Trust Social at Brew York to give fans the chance to hear firsthand from YCFC management, players and ambassadors.

In addition, there is much valuable work that goes on in the background day to day in support of the football club, work which by its very nature must remain confidential.

But did you know that of the 7000 YCFC fans that attended the LNER for the recent New Years Day fixture with Gateshead, less than 20% are YCST Members?

With matters both on and off the field going so well this season we can surely improve those numbers considerably.

If those 6000 fans who are currently not YCST members would each commit to joining the Trust, even on just an annual basis, then that would raise £60k for the Trust which in turn could be used to fund projects for the club. It goes without saying that Lifetime membership applications would boost that number still higher. Clearly 6000 fans committing to Lifetime membership would raise £600k, money that could be used by the club for infrastructure projects.

Joining could not be simpler. Just click here to go to the membership tab and follow the instructions from there for either Annual or Lifetime membership.

If you are already a member and you believe that your contact details may have changed over the years – and let’s face it, we’ve been in existence nearly a quarter of a century so there may just have been the odd change or two! – then please  update them here.

Keep an eye out on our social media feeds and we will be sure to keep you updated on our progress with membership numbers.

Other useful email addresses for you:

For any membership enquiries – membership@ycst.org.uk

For any general enquiries, or any ideas that you would like to share with us – info@ycst.org.uk

About York City Supporters’ Trust

Established in 2002, York City Supporters Trust is a not-for-profit Community Benefit Society, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We were formed to protect the long-term future of the football club and represent the interests of the fans. We are also 25% shareholders in York City Football Club Ltd.